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Innovation & Excellence

Innovation & Excellence  Awards 2020



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IP címed:
Dátum, idő: 2025-02-25 17:07:55

School name:  Hejőkeresztúri IV. Béla Primary School (Béla IV Primary School in Hejőkeresztúr)

Motto:Everyone is good at something

School address:3597 Hejőkeresztúr, Petőfi út 111., Hungary

Year of foundation:  1965


Brief history of the school:

The District Primary School founded in 1965 was built in Hejőkeresztúr, of which classes 1-4 were attended by children from Hejőkeresztúr and classes 5-8 were attended by children from three villages. Until the years of 1970s there was a school with 1-4 grades both in Hejőszalonta and Szakáld and the pupils were taught in contracted classes.

The end of teaching on shifts in 1984 played an important role in enhancing efficiency of education and tuition and the school became a General Cultural Centre covering the education in kindergarten, primary school (grades 1-8.) and cultural programmes. The special classes for children with disabilities also started during this period.

In 1988, the school got a new class-room, a library and a long-awaited gymnasium. In the beginning of the 1990s other facilities were built that helped the education in our school. With parents’ help, the playground was built and the sportfield was covered with bitumen. During these years the electronic system of the school was changed and the old coal-firings was changed for the more modern gas heating as well. The end of the General Cultural Centre in 1993 played an important role in organizing the school work as the grades 1-4 were reestablished also in Szakáld again.

By the end of the 1990s the growth in the number of pupils required more class-rooms, so was the attic built in three steps: an IT room and four new class-rooms were added.

Now we can teach in twelve class-rooms, two IT rooms, a Language lab,  a room for small groups and in the library. Since 2010 the pupils can have their meals in the dining-room in a clean and nice environment.

In 2010 the local government of Hejőkeresztúr gave a new playground to the children.

The school building is aesthetic and nice and its equipment is excellent. The local government won a competition to make the external insulation, painting and change the fenestrations. We also have laptops and interactive white boards in some class-rooms due to successful competitions.

Since 2013 the school belongs to the School District of Tiszaújváros.


Number of teachers:21


Number of pupils:215


About our pupils:

We have about 210 pupils altogether including those in Hejőkeresztúr and Szakáld. 70% of the pupils are disadvantaged, 10% live with foster parents and 10% are with special needs. 68% of the pupils are extern. To have better achievments we have an  integrated education system.


Highlighted developmental area(s):

We make it a priority to help our pupils to succeed in their studies. This way we can give the world pupils who can cope in life general and succeed as well. The healthy success orientation and  goal orientation that do not become careerism make the children able to cope with failures, furtheremore, by having negative experiences and overcoming them, the children are motivated to succeed.

To keep in touch with the parents and communicate with them as much as possible the school offers such programmes where the pupils, parents and teachers can spend time together. This way they can have great experiences together that bring the different generations closer to each other as well as make the relation between the school and families stronger.

The inner harmony and  healthy spiritual life are crucial to developing a harmonious personality, that’s why we do our best to develop the quality of the subjective life, how they feel about themselves.   


Why did you join the KIP Program (CI)?

The Complex Instruction teaching method of Stanford University was innovated and adopted to the Hungarian needs  and now it is known as well as recommended as the Komplex Instrukciós Program (Complex Instruction Program).


What is the children’s opinion of KIP?

Typical responses:

●       "These lessons are very good, because we have to work together. It is also good because the teachers always invent something interesting. "

●       "It is easier to work this way because the work is shared, and the lesson is more fun. We do better tasks and it is also good that there is a lesson like this in every subject. "

●       "It's good that you can discuss tasks together."

●       "I like the KIP lessons because things go so much easier and I learn everything better."

●       "I like it because you may draw. We sit closer to each other. We do not realize that we are learning. "

●       "I feel good in class because it is good to carry out a task (masters in charge). It is good to work together with others. "

●       "I love these lessons because the whole class collaborates."


How do they see the benefits of digital education?

Our school, adapting to local needs, concentrates on personal development, enhancing efficiency of education and tuition, completion of equal opportunities, elaboration of efficient and successful educational pathways and programs, teaching methods, learning management methods supporting personal development and undertakes to their practical implementation with the use of digital devices.

When the digital equipment is used, the students are more motivated, the effectiveness of education increases.


Our experience shows that:

●       more persistent, stronger student concentration can be observed

●       there is a chance to involve all students in solving the tasks during the lessons

●       faster progress in the curriculum

●       the development of visual skills

●       faster overall development of students' skills

●       help in catching-up

●       it increases the playfulness and experience of the  lessons

●       an opportunity for immediate feedback, assessment

●       assists the development of skills related to the application of information and communication technologies and other technologies.


Our successes so far:

We believe and profess that the students' classroom success is the key to their advancement in public education. In addition, however, in many areas it is possible to manifest their outstanding talent and good performances in various competitions.

Board game plays a key role in the life of our school. In this context, we have regional and national podium finishers in Go, Gomoku, Checkers and Chess competitions, and our students also had the chance to take part in the European Checkers Championship  three times. We are also hosting the National Heptathlon Championships with approximately 180 students participating annually from different parts of the country.

In the field of sports / athletics and football / we are at the forefront in county competitions, and we are in the lead nationally among schools in the same category.

50% of our students attend professional dance classes, they are regular performers at various events, dance festivals, and achieved prestigious rankings.

Talents manifest at the subject competitions as well. Our students finish in the top 10 places in general in different levels of History, German, English, Mathematics and Drawing competitions.

In the National Correspondence Reading Competition our 1-4 graders got the first place.


Key challenges:

The question for us is how we can achieve the successful inclusive education of students in heterogeneous knowledge and socialization groups, with special regard to talent management and catching up.


Photos and video of the kids, the school 





Complex Instruction Program


Dialogue Between Generations